As a Restricted to Adults (RTA) compliant website, we understand the importance of providing parents and guardians with the necessary information to control and restrict their children’s access to any adult entertainment streaming website, including Spankbanglive.
We value the well-being of minors and hope that this guide can help you implement effective parental controls.
1. Who can legally access the website?
- It is strictly prohibited for individuals who are under 18 years old (or the age of majority defined by their jurisdiction, if higher) to access content on Spankbanglive.
- Users must be fully capable and legally competent to agree to and fulfill the terms, conditions, obligations, rules, and representations stated within our website.
- Users must access the website from a jurisdiction which does not forbid the receipt or viewing of sexually explicit content.
2. How can a parent/legal guardian restrict access to Spankbanglive?
Use “SafeSearch’’
You can use these to make sure there are no 18+ websites in search results:
For Apple accounts and devices
For Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), you can use Apple’s parental controls.
For Android devices and Google Account
For Android devices and laptops, you can use Google Family Link.
For Windows computers and mobile phones
For desktops with Windows 10, you can use Microsoft Family Safety.
More parental monitoring software
You can research and try these:
Additional parental control measures help ensure that your child's access to adult websites like Spankbanglive is restricted and that they have a safe online experience.
Disclaimer: This guide and all accompanying methods and services are intended for informational purposes only. We assume no responsibility for any consequences that may arise from following the methods suggested within this guide.